My nightmares are normal. Let me tell you why (and why yours might be too)

⚠️ Note to the reader: This article contains references to trauma, triggers, domestic abuse and male violence, and may include some broad descriptions. Nightmares can be distressing for many; this blog in no way intends to minimise that. Treatment options mentioned won’t be right for everyone. Please reach out to local healthcare providers if youContinueContinue reading “My nightmares are normal. Let me tell you why (and why yours might be too)”

Anger’s not the problem but aggression hurts us all

⚠️ Content warning: This article contains discussion about acts of violent extremism including domestic abuse, and briefly alludes to self-harm. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of an irate customer that’s demanding a refund, snide comments from a stranger on the internet, or even a toddler “throwing a tantrum”, you might think whatContinueContinue reading “Anger’s not the problem but aggression hurts us all”

Is empathy being lost? Here’s what we could do about it

⚠️ Note to the reader: this article briefly discusses male violence against women, hate speech and bereavement, and is a general discussion on empathy. It is not intended to minimise how challenging it can be for some people to express it. There’s now a thing called Empathy Day. Whilst we can acknowledge with any ‘AwarenessContinueContinue reading “Is empathy being lost? Here’s what we could do about it”

I had such a weird dream last night: night-time adventures to infinity and beyond

Not many people can probably say they’ve pushed Vin Diesel in a shopping trolley. Although I can; except I haven’t. Confused? That’s dreams in a nutshell.

The loneliness of grief and why I think we need to talk about it

⚠️ Content warning: This article is a discussion around death, dying, loss and bereavement. When we talk about loneliness, we might think about the number of friends we have, or how much time we spend alone. Many people can relate to going days without speaking to a single person; this was almost certainly a realityContinueContinue reading “The loneliness of grief and why I think we need to talk about it”

It’s not you, it’s them. How society gets in the way of our grief

There are no stages of grief. At least not in the way they’ve been portrayed. A lot of people talk about them like five things on a to-do list, that we have to achieve in order to “finish” grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. But of course, it’s just not that simple. In fact,ContinueContinue reading “It’s not you, it’s them. How society gets in the way of our grief”

COVID Dreams

Since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak, people have been reporting that they’re remembering more vivid and disturbing dreams. According to the Lyon Neuroscience Centre’s research, our dream recall is up 35%. So what’s going on? Because many of us are working from home, avoiding the morning commute right now, we might be sleeping in aContinueContinue reading “COVID Dreams”

Authenticity: Giving Yourself Permission to Be Quiet in a Noisy World

At a recent TEDx conference, Abbie Hutty, an inspiring, self-confessed Space Geek (and engineer involved in the development of the Mars Rover), said the key to being an effective role model is having the confidence to be authentic. That confidence doesn’t mean putting on a show for the sake of it. And that when yourContinueContinue reading “Authenticity: Giving Yourself Permission to Be Quiet in a Noisy World”

It’s Time to Change: why we need a new approach to Mental Health 

I have worked, in one form or another, as a mental health professional for 15 years, focusing on supporting people who want to understand and make a positive difference on the subject.  I’ve worked with local and national charities, sat on area management committees, and attended service user councils which tried to decide the futureContinueContinue reading “It’s Time to Change: why we need a new approach to Mental Health “

Life is not a journey, it’s a dance

Alan Watts, a famous philosopher and speaker in the 70’s, recognised that from the moment we are born it seems like we are in a race these days.  We are pushed through different levels of education (nursery, primary, secondary, University), then into work … and then we “work our way up” a career ladder, ifContinueContinue reading “Life is not a journey, it’s a dance”